Sunday, 10 April 2016

My reflection on the trip to Kisumu. ‘A transforming trip’.

There seems to be many things to reflect on after being part of such a great trip. As we arrived in Kisumu there was a different culture and lifestyle to take in to account, and indeed a different climate (very hot with a couple of thunderstorms thrown in!). We were shown great hospitality and welcome here.
It was a privilege to represent Yellow Dot here and share some of our knowledge with the teachers. We were able to share experiences with the children in day care, such as the sensory bags and bottles. To see their interest, curiosity and enjoyment in playing with these was rewarding.  We sang nursery rhymes with them too. We also shared Froebel activities and Boogie Mites with the children at the Life Centre School. The children showed great imagination with the Froebel resources, and had a great time singing and tapping out the rhythms of Boogie Mites; a nation with a natural rhythm.
The teachers at the nursery and school have such a willingness to teach, and to support these children in achieving their potential, and giving them an opportunity for an education. They are fully committed to what they do. The children are really keen to learn, and enjoy their time at the school and nursery. They always came to greet us.
Alice and James have worked hard to support the teachers at the nursery and school, and have a strong faith. Even when the circumstances were very different, and the school which was originally on the slum was bulldozed, they didn’t lose sight of what they wanted to achieve. The children are making good progress at the nursery and school, and they are within the top three in the area. What an achievement!
The trip made me reflect on my own life and what I take for granted, what I am grateful for(no matter how small), and how I manage my finances and resources. I would like to continue to support the work at the Life Centre School, and to be a part of how Yellow Dot is changing lives. 

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